Regulatory Changes Affecting Overseas Stock TR ETFs and Market Impact
Regulatory Changes Affecting Overseas Stock TR ETFs and Market Impact
The government's tightening regulations on overseas stock total return (TR) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have caused instability in a market valued at approximately 6 trillion KRW. Asset management firms, including Samsung Asset Management, may face significant impacts due to these new regulations. The government has identified TR ETFs as a means to circumvent dividend income taxes and has decided to alter the tax regime by prohibiting new subscriptions and imposing annual taxes from July. This move is expected to strip TR ETFs of their key characteristics, leading to investor and asset manager uncertainty. The government highlighted issues with the auto-reinvestment structure of dividend income provided by overseas stock TR ETFs, signaling inevitable market adjustments. With Samsung Asset Management and Mirae Asset Global Investments holding substantial market shares, they will actively seek new management strategies. Meanwhile, domestic stock TR ETFs will remain unchanged. Additionally, the government proposes economic revitalization measures by extending tax benefits in the semiconductor and biotech sectors and expanding tax exceptions for ultra-low-rate government bonds.
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