An Analysis of KoAct Korea Value-Up Active ETF's Performance and Strategy
An Analysis of KoAct Korea Value-Up Active ETF's Performance and Strategy
The KoAct Korea Value-Up Active ETF has recorded a notable 5.39% return since its listing, outperforming both the KOSPI 200 and the S&P 500 indices. This ETF's success is attributed to proactive investments in companies with high potential for shareholder value enhancement, effectively capitalizing on the inclusion of financial holdings as forecasted by the Korea Exchange. The portfolio comprises 36 companies based on the Korea Value-Up Index, along with additional non-index companies like Naver and HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, forming a total of 43 enterprises. This composition is designed to enhance the portfolio's efficiency and contribute positively to the activation of domestic investment. Looking ahead, future strategies include plans to distribute profits with investors through share buybacks and dividends, alongside proactive investments in promising firms not yet included in the index. By doing so, the ETF aims for long-term profitability while enhancing investor value.
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